Annual General meeting
Dear SAS members,
We are very excited to announce that SASQLD will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 21st August 2024 and you are all warmly invited. This is a voting year where all SASQLD Committee Positions will be open for nominations and voting.
Armin Ariana (SASQLD President), Kate Dempsey (SASQLD Secretary), Catherine Raff (SASQLD Treasurer)
"SASQLD Progress & Vision" followed by AGM
Wednesday 21st August 2024
6pm - 6:45pm (Qld time) SASQLD Progress & Vision followed by
6:45pm - 8pm (Qld time) SASQLD AGM
New Farm Library Meeting Room #1 and Online via Zoom (link provided with registration)
We encourage all SAS members to come along to this important event and consider nominating for a Committee Position to become more involved with your state Sexological community.
Armin, Kate and Catherine.
SASQLD Committee